Things I have made and been involved in...

I have worked on various projects over the years - some large, some small. Below is basically a log of my successes, failures, and ongoing attempts at doing something useful (in some semblance of chronological order).

  • Argosync

    SaaS for synchronising cost data accurately and rapidly between traffic sources and trackers.

  • Magic Potion

    My attempt at using chemistry to bring out the best flavour possible from coffee, and making it practically accessible to all.

  • Credify

    A FinTech product aiming to streamline the mortgage application process in the US while guaranteeing best rates for borrowers.

  • Skillballer

    A tech platform aiming to diversify fundraising for charities through a skill game and subscription model, based in the UK. Failed to get lift-off.

  • FunnelFlux

    Joined as general manager/chief everything officer to lead the company. Later, investors pulled out and handed the company over to me. My current daily grind.

  • 6 Week AMC

    I founded and initially lead the 6 Week Affiliate Mastery Challenge - a $2997 bootcamp in affiliate marketing, offering university-level education.

  • iStack Holdings

    The first staff member of iStack, I joined at its inception as Head of Strategic Projects, then helped kick-off what became an empire in the affiliate marketing space.

  • STM Forum

    I joined STM Forum and eventually became a significant community member and paid moderating, helping hundreds of people navigate the complexities of affiliate marketing

  • Student Life / PhD

    I studied for 7+ years at Otago University, Dunedin NZ, completing a BSc(Hons) 1st Class and a PhD.

  • The Hydration Company

    A project I am nurturing related to sports drinks and providing science-backed hydration products (e.g. powdered electrolytes).
